Dr. Corey Burt, D.C.
Dr. Corey Burt, “The Neck Doc”, is an Upper Cervical Specialist who owns and directs Elite Upper Cervical located in Beaverton, Oregon.
Dr. Burt is on a mission to help one million people recover from the detrimental effects caused by neck injuries.
Whether it’s a macro injury such as a car accident, or micro-injuries such as ongoing sports concussions – these can all compromise the health of the brain and nervous system leading to serious health problems.
Dr. Burt believes the alignment between the head and neck is important enough to deserve a dedicated specialist.
Dr. Burt has had extensive training in the NUCCA chiropractic procedure and has never missed a NUCCA training conference since graduating from Life Chiropractic College West.
NUCCA is the perfect fit for neck injuries, especially concussion and whiplash, because it’s gentle and hyper-focused on the neck.
With the NUCCA adjustment, there is NO twisting, cracking, or popping of the neck.
Click Here to learn more about how NUCCA is different
Over the years, he has found that although the upper neck is challenging to correct, when done correctly, the speed at which someone can recover is incredible.
In addition to focusing on neck injuries, he loves talking about how NUCCA can also be used to advance the sports and performance industry.
You can read more about his collegiate track career as an All-American shot put and discus thrower below.
My Story
What started out to be a shoulder, low back and knee problem, quickly evolved into two NCAA All-American shot-put awards, a new career path, and a unique vision for the sports and performance industry.
My journey began in undergraduate college as a track and field athlete.
My passion for throwing the shot put and discuss led to shoulder, back and knee problems.
When I lifted weights, my low back always tightened up. When I ran, my right knee would ache. And when I sat in class, I would need to sit in the back, so I could stand up and move around.
It was obvious I had muscle imbalances.
Being stubborn, for the first year I just pushed through the pain, thinking it would get better.
When I realized my pain was getting worse, I decided to ask for help.
I started with the athletic trainer performing exercises, foam rolling, ice baths, etc.
That didn’t help much, so I saw the top physical therapist in town. I did several corrective stretches, corrective exercises, some muscle work, even the tools to scrape the muscles.
That didn’t work either.
Everything was temporary and only lasted a few days.
Everyone I worked with told me the same thing – my pain was because I was overusing the muscles.
Repetitive injury.
Sitting in class all day, studying, my weightlifting form. They drilled this repetitive injury concept into my brain.
And you want to know the universal solution they recommended?
“Stop doing that.”
Stop lifting heavy, stop throwing one-sided.
There had to be an answer, as it seemed like they were missing a piece to the puzzle.
Shortly after, my track coach recommended that I check out his chiropractor.
So I gave that a shot.
And I’ll admit, chiropractic helped more than anything else I did.
Better range of motion, less pain. I was happy.
I chose to go to chiropractic school in the first place because of this experience.
I thought this was the best solution to help people with back pain, muscle imbalances and improved athletic performance.
After all, my junior and senior years I placed 6th and 2nd place in the shot put at the national competition, earning two All-American awards.
I have chiropractic to thank for that.
During my first year in chiropractic school, I took 11 different elective seminars:
Sports chiropractic, extremities, applied kinesiology, muscle work, body work, advanced structural biomechanics, etc.
At the start of my second year, EVERYTHING changed.
I attended an upper cervical chiropractic seminar taught by Dr. Bob Brooks.
He was the first to tell me that my back pain and imbalances were stemming from the top of my neck.
And until I fix my “Atlas”, I would continue to struggle with the same problem.
I was confused because every previous doctor had ingrained into my head that my imbalances were coming from repetitive injury.
Nobody ever told me they were coming from my neck.
So, I gave this unique style of chiropractic, upper cervical chiropractic, a try.
So, he looked at my x-rays that were taken during the seminar, and then adjusted me.
No twisting, cracking or popping. I was lying on my side. It was gentle pressure right behind my ear.
I thought nothing happened in the moment, because I felt nothing.
But the following day I was surprised.
I did my leg workout, did some squats, sprints and for the first time in years I didn’t have ANY back or knee pain.
How could it be that after one neck correction, I could notice such an improvement in my entire body?
I didn’t understand it, which intrigued me even more.
I mean, I had my neck cracked several times before, and I had never experienced anything like this.
The more I thought about it, the more it made sense.
All the head and neck injuries I endured from 10 years of football and wrestling. The concussions.
After this experience, I just couldn’t go back to cracking necks. I had to be more specific.
And so I made a commitment to become the best atlas adjuster from that point on.
And here I am, thankful I met Dr. Brooks.
He changed the trajectory of my life, and the trajectory of so many others lives, that I have adjusted.
Although he is no longer with us, I will forever be grateful for the time he spent to coach me.
My Vision
I envision a world where athletes compete at their best with little to no injuries.
How will we get there?

Establishing an awareness of the upper cervical spine, its proper alignment, and its relationship with strength, recovery & peak performance

Assessing and correcting for the upper cervical misalignment

Working with other health & fitness experts

Fostering repeatable, long-term results