Migraine Headaches & NUCCA Chiropractic
Migraine headaches can be debilitating and cause long-term brain damage if left untreated. Fortunately, migraines and headaches are the #1 problem we help people with at Elite Upper Cervical.
When the top bone in the neck misaligns, the atlas vertebrae, several bad things happen. Mainly, blood flow to the brain decreases. When blood flow decreases, will your brain be happy? No!
So what will it do to respond? Your brain will increase blood pressure to get the blood back into the brain. This is why you feel pressure build up inside your head, which can cause severe pain among several other symptoms.
Not only will blood flow decrease, but there will be a backup of cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF fluid. When this backup occurs, the pressure buildup can compound, making the migraine even worse.
If blood flow and CSF flow are being choked off because of a misalignment, will the brain be able to function properly? No!
The brain will try to wake you up by sending you pain signals, or symptoms, we label as a “migraine”.
Unfortunately, most doctors want to hit the snooze button and throw out the body’s internal fire alarm by prescribing medication, which is not a long-term solution.
Why? Because it’s not possible to fix a structural problem with a chemical solution. It’s important to get to the root of what’s causing the migraine, securing a structural solution! And this is where we specialize.
As a NUCCA upper cervical chiropractic clinic, the first thing we do is take specific x-rays of the atlas vertebrae to see if it’s misaligned.
We have advanced software that allows Dr. Burt to measure the atlas down to 1/100th of a degree, which is critical when it’s time to realign it. The upper cervical x-rays are the most important thing we can do for you as a NUCCA doctor.
When doctors work on the upper neck without taking x-rays, they risk making someone worse.
After the exact position of the atlas has been measured, then Dr. Burt can correct it.
The realignment is so gentle that anyone would feel comfortable with the amount of pressure used. Gentle, slow pressure is all you feel, right below the ear lobe, which is also where the atlas is located.
There is no twisting, popping or cracking of the neck with the NUCCA realignment.
Afterward, we will have to retrain the neck muscles for a few months, realigning the atlas as needed.
If you are curious to see if your atlas is misaligned and is causing your migraines, make sure to schedule your NUCCA assessment below, as soon as possible, to see if you are a good fit for treatment.