NUCCA Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a Natural Long-Term Solution!

Postural exam, functional neck exam (NeckCare) and a structural neck exam.

Less force, fewer visits, faster results.

Monitor your alignment for long-term results.
Atlas re-alignments given, and counting!
NUCCA is for YOU if . . .

You have had a head or neck injury or a concussion.

You don't like aggressive neck cracking adjustments.

You have been in a car accident.

You want a neck specialist, not a generalist.

You played sports.

You're tired of doctors giving you pills, covering up the problem.

You have altered posture with tight neck or back muscles.

You want to avoid spinal surgery.

No doctor has taken specific x-rays of your neck.

You want to preserve your spinal health well into the future.
Why Our Patients Love Us
We Help People Live Happier & Healthier Years into the Future
We strive to detect and correct the root cause of health conditions.
When searching for a long-term solution, ask your doctor what is CAUSING the problem.
If they do not have a confident answer, chances are slim they will actually help you.
Schedule your assessment now to see if NUCCA can change your life!
Elite Upper Cervical is proud to serve the Portland Metro area as your go-to NUCCA Chiropractor!